Aluminium beneath the surface: the award ceremony
The 11th edition of the COMEL Award, the international competition highlighting the artistic and creative use of aluminium, is almost at an end.
On Saturday, November 16th, at Spazio COMEL Contemporary Art, the award ceremony will be held for the winner of the COMEL 2024 Award, chosen by the jury of experts from among the 13 finalists whose works are displayed in the exhibition ‘Aluminium, beneath the surface’, and the winner of the Audience Award, i.e., the author of the work most voted by visitors.
Aluminium, beneath the surface, the title of the exhibition and the theme of the 2024 edition, takes its cue from aluminium’s ability to put into action a kind of self-defense mechanism by creating a film, a thin protective layer to resist external aggression. Under its surface, aluminium remains itself and preserves its peculiarities. Similarly, more sensitive people create a kind of armor; they hide behind a mask to defend their feelings and interiority. The invitation to artists was to go beyond appearances, straight to the heart of things, and show, through their works, what is most hidden, least evident, yet most true.
Over 350 works were entered in the call for entries opened last March, with 13 finalists from different European countries (Italy, Belarus, Bulgaria, Greece, Macedonia, Poland, Slovakia) whose works are on display in Latina these days. However, only one will be the winner. There are so many different styles and unique sensitivities that allowed us to peek into their emotional universe and artistic journey.
Who was able to interpret the theme in the most emotional way? Which techniques impressed the jury and the audience?
We will find out on Saturday, November 16th, at 6 pm at Spazio COMEL, when the winners of the 11th edition will be announced in the presence of the jury and the public.
In the meantime, the exhibition will be open daily from 5 pm to 8 pm.
The 13 finalists:
Sasho Blazes (Ohrid, Macedonia); Maria Elena Bonet (Minsk, Belarus/Sant’Elia Fiumerapido, FR, Italy); Massimo Campagna (Naples, Italy); Stefania De Angelis (Rome, Italy); Rebecca Diegoli and Francesca Vimercati (Pavia and Besana in Brianza, Italy); Gianluigi Ferrari (Altilia, CS, Italy); James Fausset Harris (Jeddah, Saudi Arabia/Carrara, MS, Italy); Robert Hromec (Bratislava, Slovakia); Rosy Losito (Bari/Latina, Italy); Dimitar Minkov (Pleven, Bulgaria); Gloria Rustighi (Massa, MS, Italy); Karolina Stefańska (Krakow, Poland); Achilles Vasileiou (Athens, Greece).