Aluminum bonds finalists: Rosella Restante
Rosella Restante, after graduating from the Academy of Fine Arts in Rome, begins her artistic research first through the observation of the human figure, passing through an expressionist phase, and then arriving at the conceptual expression of herself through sculpture, drawing, engraving, photography, and video.
Hers is a lyrical but also minimalist and expressive point of view, that chooses space as her favourite dimension for a continuous investigation and search for identity.
Her artistic path is a multidisciplinary one, she experimented in sculpture various materials such as iron, travertine and salt.
During her career, she has exhibited in various solo and group exhibitions in Italy and abroad.
Her work “Humanitas” (sculpture-book in aluminium with printed tables) was selected by the jury of experts as one of the 13 finalist works of the eighth edition of the COMEL “Aluminium Bonds” Award.