“A cultural project that is born from a love story, with deep roots and promises to become tradition.”
Rita Calicchia
The strong emotion linked to an affection is linked to the will of the memory and this generates a project that becomes important for the entire city, even more, for the entire boundless territory of the Art.
The ability of the universal artistic language to combine memory, presence and feeling is the basis for a partnership, the one between creativity and enterprise that, in the case of COMEL, decides to name a Contemporary Art Award to Mrs Vanna Migliorin, founding figure of the company and lover of beauty.
The image of the Award was represented to immediately make think of a female figure, not a portrait, but the symbolic representation that brings together the feminine essence, the decision-making spirit, strength and sensitivity; a face that stretches upwards suggesting the possibility of an “elsewhere” with which dialogue is always open.
“… In everything we do, it comes back to our mind
the image of your sweet smiling face …
you’re here too, you’re holding hands,
Listen to our soul and whisper to us.”
M. Gabriella, Adriano and Luisa
Art historian, independent curator
Born in Rome in 1971, she lives and works in Velletri (RM). She graduated from the University of Bari in Art History and specialized in Museology at the Catholic University of the Sacred Heart in Milan.
As an art historian and curator, she has organized exhibitions of established artists and promoted the early careers of many emerging artists, creating in Velletri the “Casa del Critico,” a space where projects are developed and a veritable cultural workshop. In the field of education, she conceived educational marketing programs starting from 2013, with the aim of bringing younger generations closer to sustainable development models that combine culture and the job market.
Currently, she is part of the scientific committee of Velletri Museo Diffuso, the Ecomuseum of Terra Amena, an institution that is engaged in enhancing, promoting, and disseminating the history, culture, identity, and activities of the territory, taking care of integrated cultural planning.
Born in Latina where she lives and works. Since 1976, in addition to his artistic work, at the center of his activity’ the promotion of an art culture, conjugated and merged into arttherapy and social art in projects with the aim of stimulating and developing manual skills, artistic sense and creative-operative skills of differently able people. Since 2004 he has been president of the Association of Social Promotion “Solidarte”and since December 2009 is part of the Observatory of Social Promotion Associations of the Municipality of Latina.Since 2008 collaborates with the Association DIAPHORA’ Onlus of Latina in the role of head of the art laboratory of D.A.D. For an idea of art outside galleries and near to the people. Creator and organizer, since 2010, of the “Biennale di Arte Contemporanea Città di Latina -Premio Sergio Ban”. In 2013 he realized the bas-relief “the washing of the feet” for the altar of the church of the “Sacred Heart” of Borgo Sabotino (LT).
Annalisa Lazzarotto, after the experience at the Faculty of Architecture at Sapienza in Rome, is now interior & graphic designer, owner and creative director of the agency ‘THE SIGN | creative design’. Always interested in the contamination between the cultural and artistic fields and new technologies of mass communication, he collaborates actively with design, communication and photographic studios, publishing houses, theater companies, for more than twenty years. Her interest and passion for art and design has led her to collaborate in many projects of exhibition setting and creation and promotion of cultural events. From 2009 he decided to undertake a path of personal artistic expressive research where he brought together his work experiences, preferring unconventional exhibition channels but closer to the common sensibility.
He was born in Latina, where he currently lives and works. Painter and Sculptor, student of the workshop of Maestro Alberto Serarcangeli, from which inherits the passion for the world of the image and furnishings. His works give life to a vision of the world, eternal and evocative, first with a careful study of fossils, which will be the backbone of his artistic research and always at the center of his work, and then move to more current topics, giving life to a series of works that speak of figures and faces and are vision of a world constantly threatened and suspended in uncertainty, where man increasingly disavows his origins. He participates in important contemporary art exhibitions in several Italian cities, including those in his Latina, which defines the cradle of passion and beauty. He is the artist who creates the work of the “Premio Giorgio Almirante”. But it is the frequency of his stays on the island of Pantelleria that defeats the last creative delays, finally convincing the artist of his creative journey.
Art historian, Italianist
Publisher, President of the Cultural Association “Novecento”
He lives and works in Latina, and is a scholar, author, and publisher among the foremost experts on the local history of the 20th century. For over thirty years, he has been collecting historiographic material and has authored and edited important publications related to the history and various cultural aspects of foundation cities, playing a significant role as a disseminator of knowledge. Through his Association Novecento, he has curated and published a series of thematic volumes, including monographs on Marinetti and Futurism, Duilio Cambellotti, Oriolo Frezzotti, and others. He has organized exhibitions and events related to art, architecture, and history between the two world wars.
Among the most recent events that are particularly memorable are the itinerant exhibition “Città di fondazione italiane 1928 – 1942,” presented in major Italian cities between 2006 and 2012; the exhibition “L’idrovolante di Marinetti, ri-scopre il futurismo,” showcasing Futurist photography and engravings by F. Depero, presented in various regions in 2009; and the publication “Littoria, una storia per immagini” in 2010, a volume supported by unpublished historical videos. More recently, he published volumes such as “Inediti aspetti musicali del ventennio” curated by Prof. Claudio Paradiso in 2016, and “Futuristi nelle città di Fondazione” (Vittori, Paradiso) in 2019.
She runs the CO.ME.L. company along with her brother Adriano and her sister Luisa. She combines the technical-business preparation with the organization and coordination roles, bringing to the company new guidelines, such as the attention to communication, innovation and marketing. She has always supported, personally and with the company, activities aimed at promoting the area: art exhibitions, publications, visual arts festivals, short film festivals and animal protection. In December 2012, she has been awarded for entrepreneurial merits by the ‘Associazione Culturale Nuova Immagine Latina’. She is the President of the ‘Associazione Culturale VANNA MIGLIORIN’ which promotes and spreads contemporary intellectual and artistic works, in all their forms and expressions. Among the various activities of the association, there is the promotion of the COMEL Award and the organization of monographic exhibitions dedicated to internationally renowned artists.
On March 17, 2012, at 11 am, at the Galleria Spazio COMEL Arte Contemporanea in Latina, the jury of the first edition of the international prize of Contemporary Art COMEL Vanna Migliorin met. There are: Silvia Sfrecola Romani, Giuliana Bocconcello, Annalisa Lazzarotto, Annalaura Patanè, Roberta Sciarretta, Massimiliano Vittori and Maria Gabriella Mazzola. After a careful examination of the works in competition, the Technical Jury of the COMEL Vanna Migliorin Contemporary Art Award 2012 awards the Prize to the artist Massimiliano Drisaldi with the work “Inverno”
with the following motivation:

“For having been able to enhance the aluminum, a modern and contemporary material, using it for an ancient and precious technique such as engraving; having drawn attention to the expressive possibilities of aluminum, creating a work that the material itself contributes to make bright, vibrant, intense.“
The jury, finally, expressing their satisfaction for the successful award, conveys their warmest wishes to the organizers.
Read and signed, Latina, March 17, 2012
The setting of the Exhibition
Vernissage febbruary 28th, 2012
Award Cerimony of the Winner, march 17th, 2012