Call for entries for the eleventh edition extended

A new closing date for the 2024 COMEL award “Aluminium, Beneath the Surface” call for entries has been announced: you can enter until 11:59 p.m. on Sunday, July 7.

Those who wish to participate in the competition that promotes the artistic use of aluminium still have a few days to submit the necessary documentation to enter the selection of 13 finalists. The selected works will participate in the final exhibition from Oct. 26 to Nov. 16 at the COMEL Space in Latina.
All artists aged 18 and older who live or work in one of the countries of the European continent can participate in the competition as long as the entered work sees aluminium as its primary material and responds to this year’s theme, “Aluminium, beneath the surface.”

Reviewing the works entered each year is a jury of experts in the field led by the artistic director of the COMEL Award, Professor Giorgio Agnisola, art critic and writer, professor emeritus of sacred art and cultural heritage at the Pontifical Theological Faculty of Southern Italy, who recently picked up the important Montale Fuori Casa Award, an award of merit for journalistic criticism.

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