COMEL Award 2013 Finissage
Even the popular jury has chosen the winners of the COMEL Award 2013.
Art, theater, music, literature, and conviviality characterized the finissage of the exhibition “The Expressiveness of Aluminum,” linked to the 2013 COMEL Vanna Migliorin Prize. This edition stood out for the high artistic value of the exhibited works, so much so that the renowned critic Giorgio Agnisola included Spazio COMEL among the most interesting art galleries in Europe, a recognition that credits the organizing committee of the Prize (which worked in synergy with ArtROM from Rome) and has placed Latina, from an artistic-cultural standpoint, fully within the European Community. A great achievement.
The works, all strictly made on or with aluminum, were judged by a prestigious national jury. During the finissage, the popular jury had their say. Throughout the duration of the exhibition, visitors voted for their three personal favorite artists.
At joint first place were Rossana Cesaretti (known as Roxy Deva) from Rome, with her artwork “Sky and Earth,” and Fabrizio Sanna with his artwork “Milky Way,” which had already received a special mention from the critics’ jury.
Roxy Deva (1973) favors the subject of instability and movement, which she represents through mixed graphic-digital techniques combined with fractal mathematics. Since her studies at the Academy of Fine Arts in Rome, she has been involved in multimedia and new languages in art.
Fabrizio Sanna, also known as Goa (1976), has opened his personal Goa Gallery, where he exhibits his paintings, characterized mainly by action painting and dripping, inspired by ecology and recycling. Both artists have exhibited at the national level.
During the finissage evening, actress Maria Elena Lazzarotto (from the Opera Prima Company of Latina) performed the “Story of Alu“, a tale freely inspired by the thirteen exhibited artworks, written by Rosa Manauzzi. It was a poetic prose narrative in which Alu (short for Aluminum) becomes a mischievous child spirit, a creative soul that continuously reflects itself in creation, recognized and represented by the artist as such. In the background, the notes of an unpublished piece (“E ancora”) by the talented musician and composer Anny De Feo, an artist now based in Berlin, added to the ambiance. Additionally, “Alu13” is the name of the small creature made of aluminum by the artist Luca Ferullo, paying tribute to Spazio COMEL and the exhibition “The Expressiveness of Aluminum.” This mix of skills and local languages highlights the potential richness of the city of Latina. It’s a presence that the owners of Spazio COMEL, Maria Gabriella, and Adriano Mazzola, eagerly embrace and promote on every occasion. Gabriella affirms that “the exchange between foreign and local artists is essential if one wants to grow individually and as a city.”