13 artists in comparison on the subject of aluminum

The Award wants to draw attention to the expressive, aesthetic, communicative and constructive possibilities of aluminum, strengthen the relationship between business and contemporary art , create a vital and significant synergy between the public and artists, promote intercultural relations among European countries.

Released or unreleased artworks using the following techniques may be submitted: painting, sculpture, design, photography and installation. Quality, research, originality and contemporaneity of the work will be the essential criteria of selection.

Participation in the competition is free and open to all artists, 18 years of age and older, that operate in any of the European countries, and use aluminum as the main and significant medium for the realization of the work to be submitted.

Location of the events is the Spazio COMEL Arte Contemporanea opened in February 2012 in the historic center of Latina. A combination of art and company, past and present, history and modernity, tradition and innovation.

«And then I feel as if I’m witnessing a miracle, as ever so slowly she raises her face toward the moon.
I watch her drink in the sight, sensing the flood of memories she’s unleashed and wanting nothing more than to let her know I’m here.
But instead I stay where I am and stare up at the moon as well.
And for the briefest instant, it almost feels like we’re together again.»


Nicholas Sparks
Ricordati di guardare la luna

«And then I feel as if I’m witnessing a miracle, as ever so slowly she raises her face toward the moon.

I watch her drink in the sight, sensing the flood of memories she’s unleashed and wanting nothing more than to let her know I’m here.

But instead I stay where I am and stare up at the moon as well.

And for the briefest instant, it almost feels like we’re together again.»

Nicholas Sparks
Dear John


At each edition, the COMEL Award emphasizes one of the many characteristics of aluminum giving directions to artists through a specific theme.

Eleventh Edition: from october 26th to november 16th, 2024

Tenth Edition: from october 21th to november 11th, 2023

How to participate

Every year in the spring the COMEL Award is open. To participate you need to see the call.

Sign up

To participate in the COMEL Award and register your work in aluminum must fill out the application form and send it by email or register through the online form of this site.

How to partecipate

Every year in the spring the COMEL Award is open. To participate you need to see the call.

Sign up

To participate in the COMEL Award and register your work in aluminum must fill out the application form and send it by email or register through the online form of this site.


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Information, news, insights on the COMEL Award and its artists.


Information, news, insights on the COMEL Award and its artists.