The Award
The COMEL Vanna Migliorin Contemporary Art Award (hereafter “COMEL Award”) was established in 2012 in memory of Mrs. Vanna Migliorin, for her passion for art and enthusiasm for supporting innovative projects. In 1968 with her husband Mazzola Alfonso, she founded in Latina the CO.ME.L. Commercio Metalli Latina (today COMEL Industries), a leading company in the trade and processing of semi-finished aluminium products that promotes and supports the COMEL award in a brilliant example of synergy between art and business.
A well-established reality in the modern art scene, among the most innovative European competitions. A project, now at its 12th edition, that promotes, in addition, intercultural relations between the countries of the European continent, creates moments of sharing and meeting between artists, scholars, and the public.
Participation in the call for entries is free and open to artists aged 18 and older who use aluminium as the main element in the creation of the work they intend to enter in the competition.
At each edition, a high-level jury selects, from all entries received, the 13 finalist works that will be exhibited in Latina, in the Spazio COMEL Arte Contemporaneagallery ( ), the exclusive venue of the event. The winner will be awarded the Jury Award, while the public visiting the exhibition will be asked to vote for their favourite works by decreeing the winner of the Audience Award.
With a view to a planned and effective promotion of the participants and the Award itself, a catalogue will be prepared by the organization on the occasion of the exhibition and targeted dissemination in specialized media. In addition, the finalist artists will be given an interview about their artistic experience. An important testimony that will become part of the portfolio of the Award website. The COMEL award will be fully responsible for the care of the catalogue and communication.
Il Premio COMEL Vanna Migliorin Arte Contemporanea (d’ora in avanti “Premio COMEL”) nasce nel 2012 in memoria della Signora Vanna Migliorin, della sua passione per l’arte, del suo entusiasmo nel sostenere progetti innovativi. Nel 1968 con il marito Mazzola Alfonso fonda a Latina la CO.ME.L. Commercio Metalli Latina (oggi COMEL Industrie), azienda leader nel commercio e nella lavorazione di semilavorati di alluminio che promuove e sostiene il Premio COMEL in un brillante esempio di sinergia tra arte e impresa.
Una realtà ormai consolidata nel panorama artistico moderno, tra le competizioni europee più innovative. Un progetto, giunto alla decima edizione, che promuove, inoltre, rapporti interculturali tra i Paesi del continente europeo, crea momenti di condivisione e incontro tra artisti, studiosi e pubblico.
La partecipazione al bando è gratuita e aperta agli artisti dai 18 anni in su che utilizzino l’alluminio come elemento principale nella realizzazione del lavoro che intendono iscrivere alla competizione.
Ad ogni edizione una giuria di alto livello seleziona, tra tutte le iscrizioni pervenute, le 13 opere finaliste che saranno esposte a Latina, nella galleria Spazio COMEL Arte Contemporanea ( ), sede esclusiva dell’evento. Al vincitore sarà assegnato il Premio della Giuria, mentre il pubblico che visiterà la mostra sarà chiamato a votare le opere preferite decretando il vincitore del Premio del Pubblico.
Nell’ottica di una pianificata ed efficace promozione dei partecipanti e del Premio stesso, è prevista in occasione della mostra, la redazione di un catalogo a cura dell’organizzazione e una mirata diffusione su media specializzati. Inoltre, agli artisti finalisti sarà dedicata un’intervista sulla loro esperienza artistica. Una testimonianza importante che entrerà a far parte del portfolio del sito del Premio. La cura del catalogo e la comunicazione saranno totalmente a carico del Premio COMEL.
*. ll “Premio COMEL” aderisce al circuito “AMACI – Imprese con l’Arte Contemporanea”. Il progetto “mira a creare una rete di imprese che, mosse dalla volontà comune di sostenere il valore dell’arte contemporanea in Italia, possano trasmettersi conoscenze, esperienze e idee, beneficiando della logica della condivisione tra i partner partecipanti.”
The unique winning artist will be awarded the COMEL Jury Award. The prize consists of a cash prize of €3500. The winning artist will also be awarded a solo exhibition to be held at the Spazio COMEL Arte Contemporanea, located in via Neghelli, 68 – Latina. The publication of a catalogue of the exhibition is also included. The date and conditions of the exhibition to be agreed in advance with the organization. The work will become part of the permanent collection. CO.ME.L. By accepting the Prize, the winner relinquishes ownership of his/her work and gives CO.ME.L. all rights inherent in it, including the publication right of the image, while retaining the right to be recognized as the author of the artwork.
The winning artist will also be awarded a solo exhibition to be held at the ‘Spazio COMEL Arte Contemporanea, located in via Neghelli, 68 – Latina.
The exhibition will be curated by the COMEL organization, and it will be displayed no later than the calendar year in which the prize has been held. The date and conditions to be agreed in advance with the organization. The ‘Audience Award’ does not consist of a cash prize.

Rosy Losito and James Harris ex-aequo winners of the Audience Award of the eleventh edition

Spazio COMEL
The COMEL Award will take place in a special location, ‘Spazio COMEL’, a contemporary art gallery located in Via Neghelli, no° 68 in Latina (Italy).
This exhibition space has been obtained from renovating the building where the first CO.ME.L warehouse was.
This has resulted in a bright and clear space, extremely well-conceived, both in its features and in its arrangement. Therefore, now, the space clearly reflects the combination of art and business, tradition and innovation. The gallery covers an area of more than 100 sqm. Provided with the most technologically advanced and modern equipment, it can be suitable for any exhibition needs.
COMEL Industrie is a leading company in trading and processing aluminium semi-finished metals, which operates in the field since 1968. In over fifty years the company has developed a strong expertise in aluminium items, especially doors and windows, acquiring a leading position. In 2012 the company has established the COMEL Award within a path to of solidarity and participation. The company carries out this project on a completely voluntary basis and with an a renewed and tireless enthusiasm, passion and firmness, combining them with economic, environmental, social and cultural performances commitment.

La sede della COMEL Industrie